Last weekend I took the boys (with help from Kels) to visit my college roommates, Jodi and Carie. Flying with two little boys is not easy, but having Kels to keep Graham entertained was key.
Track was wiggly, but who can blame him - being confined and not able to crawl is not for an active 11 month old - nothing a healthy dose of Praise Baby couldn't handle.
We were all thankful to have landed.
Kels and I are laughing because Graham was literally yelling (in a very sweet way) "hi" about 5 inches from an elderly woman's face.
Here are the babies...
Stella, Track, Whitten, Sam and Graham
Stella and Track are 3 weeks apart. They are so cute.
The group picture on our last day was not what the kids had in mind.
All and all the boys did great. They adjusted to being in a different place flawlessly with the exception of Graham napping. We were all so busy with our kids that we didn't get any pictures of the adults - typical It was very fun and long over due to see Carie and Jodi. They are two of my dearest friends and it was great to spend times with their kids.
Let's Hear it for Traveling