Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry Christmas from the boyz - Take 3

Does anyone else have this issue?  We can not get a good picture of these baby men children.

Matching favorite.
Hugging Coop a little too tight bud... 
Losing control...this time it's my big guy... 
Love this pose from Graham and how irritated does Track look?  I hope that isn't his "teenage" face.
Oh yea, still dancing... 
Coop is outta there... 
The photo shoot has turned to ridiculousness... 
Trying again...Come on Trackers... 
That lasted all of 30 seconds.  The boys were more interested in showing Coop their crawling skillz.
Let's Hear it for Funny Kids and Trying Again (next year)


  1. These are my favorite. Love all of G's awesome dance moves.

  2. This is the best. They are gonna think this is hilarious when they're older :)
