In January of 2013 I made a resolution to read at least 12 books throughout the year. This year I actually wrote them down and finished the year at 15. I would say that is a goal well attained with two little boys and adding a new baby boy in March.
Here is the run down...
1. Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas (Biography - 1st I have read since high school - good (lowercase good))
2. The Clean Sweep, Kay Wyma (How to get your kids equipped for life - written for older kids, but still pertinent to my 4 year old - good)
3. Parenting with Love and Logic, Foster Cline and Jim Fay (Uh - I will likely catch flack for this, but I DID NOT like this book...Legalism ALERT and I know it is popular and may work, but I found it oppressive - at best)
4. Unglued, Lysa TerKeurst (MUST READ for moms)
5. The Seduction of our Children, Neil Anderson (MUST READ for every parent!)
6. Give Them Grace, Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson and Tullian Tchividjian (That's what I'm talking about - GRACE. - GREAT parenting book)
7. The Christian Homeschool, Gregg Harris (If you have never thought about homeschooling, this book will put you over the's old, but everything with education that's good is old)
8. When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, Beth Moore (Title says enough)
9. Inferno, Dan Brown (Fiction, great read - but kind of dark)
10. Out of the Spin Cycle, Jen Hatmaker (MUST READ for moms)
11. Loving Our Kids on Purpose, Danny Silk (Recommendation for some parents I want to be more was GOOD (capital GOOD))
12. Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyan (as my husband would say, Time Piece - enough said)
13. Generous Justice, Timothy Keller (ugh - I should like this more...I would have more crowns in heaven if I liked this more - Justice for the poor plus Calvinism - form your own opinion here)
14. Food Ninja, Matt Stone - Teach your kids to eat like ninjas (GOOD)
15. Boundaries with Kids, Henry Cloud and John Townsend (Blerg - see above Love and Logic)
So if I had to pick one it would be #5.
Read it! It will open your eyes to a whole new scary world you didn't even know was after your kids.
Let's Hear it for Trying to be Smarter
Sweet! Currently reading #6 and REALLY want to read #4, #10 and now #5. :)