Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let me tell you bout my best friend (singing)

One in a million.... (still singing)

Meet Jodi.  She is flying to Italy tomorrow, so I wanted to take this time to let her know a few things.

1.  If you get stolen, like Liem Neesoms daughter in the movie Taken - Don't Worry - I will find you and rescue you.
2.  If you get thrown in jail for false drug charges, like Claire Daines in Brokedown Palace, I will petition the American Embassy and get them to free you.  
3.  If you get lost, find a cafe with WiFi and Face Time me, I will help you locate your party.
4.  If the Tower of Pisa finally falls, don't panic I will extract you.

So, everyone that is monitoring my blog, know that I am anxiously awaiting her return. 

This should do as far as trip protection goes.  I will miss you!  Have a great vacation and don't forget anything so we can laugh about it when you get home.


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