Friday, April 20, 2012


This morning as I was feeding Track some avocado at the table I noticed Graham was being very quiet.  So I waited him out for a few minutes and then decided it would benefit us both if I checked on him.  I rounded the corner to his room just in time to see some great action.

I asked him if he was helping mommy put up the toilet paper to which he responded..."Graham stacking them, so I can kick them",  Well, duh...what a great idea.

Notice how perfectly the rolls are lines up.  He might look like his daddy, but his personality is all me.

I probably should have picked them all up to keep them from attracting dog hair and the like, but...really what do I care? - he was having a great time and being creative.  I thought this was amazing and anything I can do to get the man further interested in potty training.  I asked him a few times what toilet paper is for, to which he said to "poop on the potty" and then he said "to kick".  I asked him if he wanted to poop or pee on the potty to which he said, "no thanks".  I tried asking him something else and he looked at me like "mom, now you are annoying me and ruining my fun" so I took the hint and left him to his rolls.

Let's Hear it for Dirty TP

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