Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bahahaha - Today...

Let's see, I had Track on Sunday and I think today is Tuesday, which means 2 days, right?  Anywho, so I am walking my nakey baby around the block in the 186 degree temperature to help him get rid of a slight bit of jaundice, when the man on corner, working in his yard, says "I see you have another on the way..."

Whoopsies, I mean I know I don't look great - but ouch!  Oh well, I know he meant well.  I said actually he is here, like right here in this stroller.  He apologized profusely and then said how good I looked for having a baby two days ago.  No making up for it now sir!  I will now speed walk (with stitches in my business) away from your yard.

Like I have said before, I (actually God) grew a human in me.  What are you doing, working in your yard...PLEASE - no comparison.

I be back to normal in no time, next time I stroll by he will likely be tempted to say something smart like, "geez mam, your 6 pack abs are amazing".

Let's Hear it for Nakey Babies, Let's not Hear it for That Man!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, we've been checking every day and are so happy that your new baby has arrived safely! He is precious, and big and long! Congratulations guys. -Serg and Natalie
