Saturday, August 27, 2011

We're what?

We get home from birthing a child on Monday adfternoonish, so you would think 30 something hour labor, pushed baby out on Sunday, brought him home on Monday, get toddler home from in laws Monday night, eat dinner (big accomplishment), all should be right in the world, right?  WRONG - O.

Well, we go to put the big baby to bed and NO DIAPERS!  How int he world had I planned so poorly that I didn't have any diapers for Graham.  So, it's 9pm and I send my husband out for the usual local and organic fare we always buy. 

He gets back with this...

Uh, that's right ladies, denim diapers.

My review on these diapers, not organic - check, FULL of dye - check, not absorbent - check, turned my babies skin blue - check (just kidding), but very hilarious on this little guy.  He was extremely "dancey" that night, I think he knew he was hot stuff in his fashion diaper.  Needless to say, I bumped up my "subscribe and save" subscription from Amazon and got his normal Earth's Best diapers in two days.  So if anyone is dying to try these fashionable denim diapers - we have some to give away - but if they harm your child, we are not responsible, but if they get him or her a professional dance career, we gave them to you. 

Let's Hear it For it My Man's!
(really dying laughing over these)

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