Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanks Dad...

My parents are great gift givers.  It seems like every year the gifts are bigger and better, well this holds true for Graham now as well.  For his birthday, my dad bought him a tricycle.  I know you are thinking, "the man is one" he won't be tricycling for years.  Well, guess what he can get on it, pedal it, ride it downstairs, and do a wheelie.  Just kidding, the man can't even balance unassisted on a chair.

Anywho, so we get this giant tricycle, that goes from a high setting to a slow setting and it has a push bar on it, it can make you breakfast, etc.  It is super fancy.

I thought we might put it away for awhile and bring it back out when he is bigger.  Well, no can do.  Graham LOVES to sit on this thing (even though his feet don't touch the pedals) and he loves to push it around the house and down the street.

side note:  please excuse the giant sleeper thing he is wearing (usually not my style, but it was freezing) and the "laundry fairy" was lazy about washing regular pj's.

Back to the story, so the gist is - this trike is huge and he is not, yet.

So ponder this.....who do you think has to put him on and off of the thing and then proceed to balance him while pushing it - MAMA.  Who do you think has to turn the giant trike when he rams it into every wall and cabinet in our very small 5 point turn house - MAMA.  Whos back do you think aches from leaning over - not G's - his MAMASo thanks dad, you got me and I know you owe from my childhood....the only way this gift could be any better is if it make really loud siren noises and needed me to replace the batteries every 2-days (with a cover that you need a screwdriver to undo).

Dad- if you want me to say that I will come and get all of my high school and college junk out of your house in return for buying independent, user friendly gifts from here forward - DEAL.  But, I have a feeling you think this is SUPER hilarious.

In all seriousness, I love you - thanks for the great tricycle that gives Graham and I unlimited quality time together.  After all, my back only hurts a little.  :)

Let's Hear it for the Boys (including my dad) (singing medium tone and then fading out).

1 comment:

  1. That first picture is the funniest one you have posted yet.
