Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blazing Prize...

About a month or so ago the boys and I found this "gem" around the corner while we were on a walk.  I casually mentioned to Mike that there was a "burb" around the corner for sale and I thought the price was good, so we took a second walk to scope it out.  The guy selling it is an Aggie (1 pt.), he goes to Watermark (1 pt.), and he is our neighbor (1 pt.) with 3 whole points how could it not be fate.  We took our existing truck to CarMax to see what we could get for it (which was more than we thought) then we turned around and sold it for thousands more on the open market...thanks for the free info CarMax.  Any who, the extra space is awesome - especially the extra nursing seat - since that is what I seem to do the most in the car.  If you are worried about your carbon foot print, rest assured that I am not.
After purchasing the Yukon we put Graham in a booster seat in the very back, which he loves (likely because he doesn't have to sit shoulder to shoulder to pesky little Trackers).  However, it has been hard for him to learn to buckle himself and getting back there to help him with the other two car seats in the middle row is a challenge.  Mike told him if he could buckle up eight times (fuzzy ball reward every time) he would take him to the toy store for a special treat.  Leave it to Mike to come home with something super fun and a little more than $10. :)
I was in Track's room playing when I see this zoom (ok, wobble) by the window.
I thought to myself, "hey, another little boy in our neighborhood".  Then I realized it was my big boy.  Tears start to come as I rush out to see my first born so proud of himself riding a bike.
And of course in true Mike fashion he HAD to bring something home for Trackers.  He is still trying to figure out how brother is making his go.
Daddy is how you make it go apparently.  This tiny trike is a back breaker.  Hopefully Track will aquire the skillz to pay the billz soon.  Until then this tiny trike is hidden in the garage.  Good parenting.

My big is buckling himself still, my middle forgot he got a trike and I am shocked that Mike didn't come home with a bike for Coop.  He is an equal opportunity dad and I really love that about him, because I would have bought a $10 special thing that I wanted instead of Graham.  Silly and Stoopid as Kels would say (to our boss).  Pfffttt.
Let's Hear it for these Babes Riding Big Boy Bikes in the Blaze of June

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