Monday, October 31, 2011

100th Post


In an attempt to flatter yet another one of the "guys", G in true form picked a Halloween costume modeling his one true love....MA MA, just kidding....

Regular Puppy

Mike tried to get Graham to pick a Dinosaur or a Ninja or something fierce, but Graham had a one track mind.  With this said, you would think wearing the beloved puppy outfit would be nothing but fun and smiles....instead we were met with this face...

Uh oh, better snap some pictures and TAKE THIS OFF!

Ok ok, not a battle I care to fight today Mister.

Night Time went much better!

This is one of my favorite's the "I'm so excited, I could explode" face.

Here is my other little guy on Halloween, much more appeasable (is that a word, hm?).

Dear Halloween,

I will not miss your scary decals, your skeletons and your blood.  You try to explain what "decorations" are to a two year old.  You ruined the World Series for Graham with your mummy commercials and ghouling ghosts.  I think this might hurt your feelings, but you are a really STUPID holiday and should likely not be celebrated. 

Good Riddance,
Ma Ma to "Little's"

For documenting purposes, this was the scariest thing Graham saw this year.  He could not even focus on his special birthday breakfast at Central Market, because he wanted me to "wake it down".  My dear sweet sensitive soul.  If we could all be so lucky to realize what should be considered scary.

Maybe Halloween will go away next year, we can at least hope.

Let's Hear it for Hoping.

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