Graham needed a haircut, BAD! I had been leaving it long because when it is humid it is really curly and cute, but when it was straight it was looking pretty heinous. We decided on the fly to take him to the club and get him a REAL haircut. We went to the David Chester Salon inside TELOS. This is where Mike gets his hair cut and then of course I work at TELOS.
Before Cut.
Ellen cut his hair and was REALLY sweet with him. We pumped him up about getting it cut, and he did GREAT. He was calm and let her cut away...he did frown quite a bit, but can you blame a two year old for frowning a bit when someone is working on you with water and scissors.
Check out his new big boy cut. We wanted to leave it long, but get it off his ears and collar. I think it looks so cute (so says his mama).
Let's Hear it for Growning Up.
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