Friday, January 6, 2012

Ugh, why do we own you?

Don't worry about me I just have two tiny babies, a part time job, a mansion (seriously, you should see this place), and a super demanding husband (bahahahah - said of the man who requires food and a bible to survive) ...what's a Great Dane to care for?

Landry, I love you, but cut the shenanigans!  Or as my dad use to say...I will send you straight to the glue factory.  I think he actually said that about the horses, but whatever I WILL totally send you there, right after I "research" the best glue factory on google.

Also, please pee freely on the new bed we bought you for Christmas, I will no longer be washing it daily.  Enjoy sleeping on your urine.

Let's Hear it for my Dog Child.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's impressive, Landy. Let's hear it for our destructive dogs.
