Saturday, January 28, 2012

Close call...

Wondering where my blog has been the past few days?

The story goes like this...

Approx: 6 months ago
T:  My phone won't send emails
M:  It's your hotmail account, you need a gmail account
T:  Ok, just don't worry about it
Repeat convo EVERY week.

Approx:  1 week ago
M:  Send Rachel an email of G singing from your phone
T:  My phone doesn't send email - it's broken
M: (visibly peeved) I'm going to fix it
T:  Nah, I don't care (although I complain about it)
M:  (takes phone and fixes email)
T:  How did you fix it?
M:  Created you a gmail account and now it works.
T:  Great
M:  Your new email address is
T:  (Mortified) My new email is WHAT?  You gave me an email with the word "mom" in it.  That is really stupid silly and I am way too embarrassed to use it.  (I am a mom, but I am not 45 with a mom doo and high waisted jeans.  Also, who wants to tell someone that my email address is (spelled out) t h u m m e l M O M, you know like mom - I'm a mom you know, NO THANK YOU).  Make it go away....please make it go away, before anyone sees it. 
M:  (annoyed) takes it off my phone
T:  (Relived - cool status preserved)

Approx: 2 days ago
M:  Did you order that google deal for the museum for G?
T:  Will do daddy-o (for your entertainment only) right now.  (ordered it and to my horror the receipt was sent to THummelMOM@gmail .com - i lose it a little bit here).  Honey, I don't want this email, please get rid of it, why did you pick suck a terrible email?, etc.  I don't want it tied to my stuff or my friends to start using - I wish you had never made it...please delete it.
M: (super annoyed - sits down and deletes it)
T:  Thank you

1 Day Ago:
Kels:  Did you take your blog down?
T:  Huh?  (opening blog page)
Puter:  Your blog was accidentally deleted by your husband deleting your ridiculous email address that he created (ok - it said something more technical, but this is what it meant)
T:  Panic sets in - CRAP CRAP CRAP (said out loud, but not in front of the children)
Kels:  I think we can get it back... (not sounding sure)
(call Mike - no answer - repeat 5 times - out of town as usual)

Ok. So, I am beside myself at this point in the story.  I actually have to keep telling myself "its ok, at least we are all alive".  Really?  I am likening deleting my blog to dying - priority check needed.  I get to work, still cant get a hold of Mike, which is not super surprising.  I feel sick about it - 175 posts - chronicling the boys life - GONE.

Kelsey and I are both super busy at work, so we didn't have a chance to work on it right away, but we both appealed Google to get the THummelMOM email back up and going (ugh - still hate the email address - really, Mike? THummelMOM...oh well at this point I NEED that email).

No answer from google.  I put the boys down for their nap and start doing more research.  It appears this is a common problem and NO ONE EVER gets their stuff back.  Kelsy steps in with some comforting words at this point..."well, tara, you aren't everyone".  I'm thinking - "OK KELS - whatever".  Then we are on the phone talking about it and trying to log into my other blog (baby book for G) and it says my password was changed 5 hours ago.  A light goes off and we realize, someone must be working on the problem - YES.  I reset the password and wool a - both blogs registered to THummelMOM are restored.  Praise Jesus!

This guy felt SO bad, I think?

Moral of the story - NEVER delete ANYTHING.  Things are so intuitive now that they link themselves, so we had no way of knowing that creating a gmail account would link to my blogger, which is a google platform.  What a nightmare.

Let's Hear it for THummelMOM.

1 comment:

  1. "Moral of the story - NEVER delete ANYTHING." I see you being on an episode of "online hoarders; electronically buried alive"
